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At Emailblast we offer four types of promotions:
1. | Those where you supply the mailing list and have us prepare the advertising flyer | |
2. | Those where you supply both the mailing list and the advertising flyer. We just send | |
3. | Those where we supply the list and create the advertising flyer | |
4. | Those where we supply the list and you supply the flyer (subject to approval) |
To take each of the above in turn |
1. | We recommend a two part flyer, especially if you have purchased an opt-in list, rather than using your own house list of customers. To see examples of two-part flyers please click here. There is a very good reason for using the two part flyer if you have bought a list from an outside source. The list seller may claim that the list is an opt-in list and the majority of names may be. However, some on the list may have forgotten that they opted in, and they probably didn’t have your particular mailing in mind when they did. Accordingly, to protect your website and email addresses from being potentially blacklisted, it is better to use a two part flyer which has the interested party filling a short form requesting a free info pack. At this stage you do not disclose your web or email address. It is different if the list is your own customer list – since here the recipient already knows and (presumably) trusts you. Promotional mailings under this category range from 15p per email sent (small numbers) to less than 1p per email for large quantities. Plus a competitive charge for flyer design (normally £150 + VAT). | |
2. | Same as for (1) above without the flyer charge | |
3. | Where we supply the list (we have up to 750,000 UK business email addresses) and create the flyer we always use the two-part approach. This involves the recipient first seeing a well designed advertising flyer in HTML which gains his/her attention and interest. For further information the prospect is then invited to ‘Click here’. Upon doing so he/she is taken to a form which requests the necessary data so that a free information pack can be sent whether by email, fax or post. | |
4. | If you wish to send your flyer to our house list it must be submitted for prior approval by Emailblast and our marketing partners. All our lists are operated on the basis that if any recipient wants to opt out at any time for whatever reason then they are automatically taken off our database. Therefore any flyers that are sent to our database must be designed in such a way, and made sufficiently interesting, that opt-out requests are minimal. |